The Gratefulness-Vampire Social Club is a singleplayer pervasive LARP about caring for strangers by Hildegard Jonathan.
Can you remember instances where strangers were weirdly nice to you? Way too nice – like holding the door for you although you are miles away? Maybe you already met a gratefulness vampire once – A secret vampire society who feasts not on blood but on people’s gratefulness.
The Gratefulness-Vampire Social Club is a single player pervasive LARP about caring for strangers. When joining the club players get a printed zine with the rules of the game and which also acts as their club ID.
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Vampires in their gothic horror tradition are synonymous for ‘the other’, the dangerous stranger, something we see reemerge in our societies at the moment. By creating vampires that live through acts of thankfulness, we seek to swap the dark stranger associations with supportive, caring associations, something we hope spills over from the game into real life and has an impact there. A society can only be as strong as its social empathy net, something we’ve neglected for too long.
Part of the Interspaces Festival for Urban Games (European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024).